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畢業門檻:欲取得本碩士班會計學程商學碩士學位(MS in Accounting)者必須完成上述課程,且總計不得低於39學分,另加會計領域碩士論文一篇始得畢業。

Advanced Managerial Accounting
The goal of this course is to acquaint students of management with the fundamentals of managerial accounting. The emphasis is on using accounting information in managing an organization. Particularly, this course demonstrate how to utilize the managerial accounting information to facilitate the profit planning process, to evaluate the profitability of products or customers, to improve the productivity and quality, to motivate the members of an organization, and to decide whether to invest in advanced technology.
Financial Accounting Theory
本課程財務會計實證專題研討, 將使學生更瞭解實證財務會計(一)如何藉由財務報表分析來進行企業與證券評價。(二)介紹財務會計研究之重要研究典範與文獻。藉由重雙目標之課程設計,本課程希望能使同學熟悉實務上如何分析與解釋財務報表資訊以從事投資決策,亦希望同學瞭解財務會計研究之方法與課題,培養論文寫作之能力。
This course prepares students to conduct empirical research in finance accounting. First, introduce how to make business and security valuation by fundamental financial statement analysis. Second, introduce the main paradigms of financial accounting research and related literature. With such course design, this course will help the students develop the skill and knowledge of analyzing and interpreting the financial statements and develop the ability of undertaking empirical accounting research methodology.
Financial Accounting and Capital Markets
This course covers advanced topics on the financial accounting and the capital market. We will apply the modern theories of agency, asymmetric information, earnings management and behavioral finance. Topics covered include financial statement analysis, firm value evaluation, investment strategy, analysts’ forecast and recommendation behavior, and risk and return.
本課程將介紹商業和經濟學的一般經濟計量方法與實際應用。其主要目的是使這門課程的學生能夠進行實證研究,以及理解實證分析。課程內容將包括數據分析、基本和進階的回歸分析和假設檢驗。課程將示範統計軟件(Eviews與 R)的運用於實務分析和經濟數據。
This course will introduce general econometric methods and their practical applications for business and economics. The main purpose of this course is to equip students to undertake empirical studies as well as understand empirical analyses. In particular, topics will include data analysis, the basic and advanced regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. Some statistical software (Eviews and R) will also be demonstrated to analyze actual business/economic data.
Financial Statement Analysis
全民投資時代來臨,具備財務報表分析知識已經是必備之趨勢。本課程主要任務在於使企業管理當局,及有關的外界人士,獲得企業的經營策略、產銷政策、資本預算、財務政策、競爭策略暨財務會計資訊,經過整理分析, 適時提供給有關當局、外界人士作為管理、投資、授信、及有關企業策略參考依據.良好之投資及授信策略成敗在於善用財務分析工具,財報分析目的在讓學生運用財務經營分析工具瞭解企業經營狀況﹐以預測與評估企業經營績效,建立企業危機預警制度。
The course purpose is to help students better understand the elements of various financial statements, which include, but are not restricted to, balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The emphasis will be on the techniques of extracting useful information from the financial statements, which is valuable in making corporate, investment, and financing decisions.
Empirical Accounting
This course attempts to achieve two primary goals. First, introduce accounting research methods. Second, introduce the main paradigms of accounting research and related literature. With such course design, this course will help the students develop the ability of undertaking empirical accounting research methodology
Advanced Auditing
This course aims to help students understand auditing theory and developments in auditing environment. By providing students with guidance in reading, presenting, and discussing assigned academic literature, students are expected to develop a feasible research proposal of auditing topics.
Seminar in Tax Issues
The Purpose of this course is to assist the students to gain the advanced knowledge of specific tax topics of R.O.C. Therefore, it also help our students to adapt the outside tax environment rapidly when they joint the Accounting Market .
Symposium of Accounting Standards
In-depth analysis of and research on current topics in accounting; theoretical analysis of recent accounting pronouncements and the study of current literature in accounting.
Seminar on Audit Profession
Students are expected to understand the real world of business and all aspects of CPA firm's opeartions. I hope students can find their interests, which can be helpful in their future career.
Accounting Seminar
The goal of this course is to provide the audience versatile viewpoints of accounting issues by inviting guest speakers in different discipline to share their studying and working experience.