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畢業級 姓名 論文名稱
99 許嬃旻 The Effect of Credit Rating Announcement Changes and Threshold Rating on Stock Prices
99 鄧玉琪 The Impact for Investors Using the Prohibition of Street Earnings-The Listed Companies in the Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry
99 蘇孟栩 Dynamic Performance Evaluation of Life Insurance Companies across the Taiwan Strait
99 陳郁晴 Performance Evaluation of Non-Life Insurance Industries across the Taiwan Strait: A Dynamic DEA Approach
99 李曉嵐 The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: A Case Study of US Semiconductor Industry
99 賴筱玟 Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Corporate Performance of US Telecommunication Industry?
99 張華 Does Taiwan’s SFAS No.35 Play a Key Role in Earnings Management?
99 鄭伊婷 The Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Taiwan CPA Firms’ Performance
99 張鈺詩 實質盈餘管理與未來績效之關連性研究
99 江侃倫 以基本分析建構投資策略於在台灣資本市場之適用性
99 倪慶耀 Repurchase, Financially Constrain, and Institutional Ownership
99 廖怡荏 Venture Capital and Earnings Management around Initial Public Offerings
99 蘇建州 Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management around Seasoned Equity Offerings
99 任哲誼 Pension Funding and Properties of Analysts’ Information Environment
99 吳鈺涵 Institutional investors, cash holdings and investment opportunities
99 林昀瑩 Foreign Investors and cash Holdings
99 林宛嬋 公開發行公司與上市櫃公司之盈餘品質是否有別?
99 林佳潔 會計師特質與更換會計師之研究
99 李映潔 影響會計師事務所客戶組合之因素探析