教育目標與核心能力 |
一、 教育目標 |
2. 建構具產學互動、著重專業證照與強調企業倫理之學習環境。
3. 以學術知識為基礎,應用為導向,強化學生競爭力與溝通力。
二、 學生應達成之核心能力
Learning Goal
1. Our students will demonstrate problem solving skills, supported by appropriate analytical and quantitative techniques.
1. 使學生具備問題解決和分析能力(含決策制定與數量分析) |
2. Our students will be effective communicator. |
2. 使學生擁有良好的溝通協調能力 |
3. Our students will understand the importance of behaving ethically in their professional lives. |
3. 培養學生職場應有的倫理道德觀念和操守 |
4. Our students will be able to identify real life finance or accounting issues and explain the related observations or phenomena based
on financial or accounting theoretical concepts. |
4. 培養學生辯識並解釋財務或會計議題的能力 |
5. Our students will demonstrate more advanced knowledge in finance, or accounting. |
5. 培養學生制訂財務或會計政策的能力 |